






Patrick Troughton


R.U.R Rossum's Universal Robots (1948)

The Case of the Frightened Lady (1948)

Cardboard Cavalier (1948)

Chance of a Lifetime (1950)

Treasure Island (1950)






The Black Knight (1954)

1984 (1955)

The Moonraker (1957)

The Black Torment (1964)

The Gorgon (1964)



Captain Wilcox


Inspector Kanof

The Viking Queen (1966)

Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell (1973)

The Omen (1976)

A Hitch in Time (1978)






'Robin Hood'


Season 1 (1953)

Season 1 (1956)

The Abbot of Saint Mary's

The Brig Covenant



'The Count of Monte Cristo'                Season 1                          (1956)          


The Portugese Affair

'The Scarlet Pimpernel'      Season 1           (1956)     

Sir Percy's Wager

The Lady in Distress

The Elusive Chauvelin

Something Remembered

The Sword of Justice


Thanksgiving Day

Sir Andrew's Fate

The Ambassador's Lady

The Christmas Present

The Flower Woman


The Imaginary Invalids

The Princess

Antoine & Antoinette

Gentlemen of the Road

A Tale of Two Pigtails

Sir Andrew Ffoulkes

'Sword of Freedom'      Season 1           (1957 - 1958)     

The Tower


The School

'The New Adventures of Charlie Chan'

'William Tell'

'Interpol Calling'

'The Invisible Man'

Season 1 (1958)

Season 1 (1958)

Season 1 (1959)

Season 1 (1959)

Something Old, Something New

The Golden Wheel

The Thirteen Innocents

Strange Partners





'The Four Just Men'      Season 1           (1959 - 1960)     

The Night of the Precious Stones

The Moment of Truth

Inspector Nardi


'Paul of Tarsus'

'The Splendid Spur'

Season 1 (1960)

Season 1 (1960)

All Episodes

All Episodes



'Danger Man 1'  Season 1  (1960 - 1961)

The Lonely Chair

Bury the Dead




'The Old Curiosity Shop'

'BBC Sunday-Night Play'

Season 2 (1961)

Season 1 (1962)

Season 3 (1962)

 Raise Your Right Hand


Sword of Vengeance




'Dr Finlay's Casebook'

Season 1 (1962)

Season 2 (1964)

Season 3 (1965)

Season 8 (1970)

Snap Diagnosis

A Test of Intelligence

A Little Learning



'The Sentimental Agent'


Season 1 (1963)

Season 1 (1963)

Season 1 (1964)

 He Rises on Sunday and   We on Monday 

Scroll of Islam

The Loring Mystery

John McBride



'Z Cars'

Season 3 (1964)

Season 9 (1973)

Season 10 (1975)

Inside Job

Pressure of Work

              Part 1                           Squatters              

              Part 2                           Eviction              

'The Saint'

Season 2 (1964)

Season 5 (1966)

The Romantic Matron

Interlude in Venice

Police Inspector

Inspector Gambetti

'A Tale of Two Cities'

'Sherlock Holmes'

'Adam Adamant Lives!'

'This Man Craig'

Season 1 (1965)

Season 1 (1965)

Season 1 (1966)

Season 1 (1966)

All Episodes

The Devil's Foot

D for Destruction

A Wise Father





'Doctor Who' Season 4 (1966 - 1967)

The Tenth Planet

The Power of the Daleks

The Highlanders

The Underwater Menace


The Moonbase

The Macra Terror

The Faceless Ones

The Evil of the Daleks

The Doctor

'Doctor Who' Season 5 (1967)

The Tomb of the Cybermen

The Abominable Snowmen

The Ice Warriors

Fury from the Deep


The Enemy of the World

The Web of Fear

The Wheel in Space



The Doctor

'Doctor Who' Season 6 (1968 - 1969)

The Dominators

The Mind Robber

The Invasion

The Krotons


The Seeds of Death

The Space Pirates

The War Games

The Doctor

'The Six Wives of Henry VIII'           Season 1                     (1970)          

Catherine of Aragon

Anne Boleyn

Jane Seymour

Anne of Cleves

Catherine Howard

Duke of Norfolk

'Little Women'

'Out of the Unknown'

'Softly Softly: Task Force'

Season 1 (1970)

Season 4 (1971)

Season 3 (1971)

Episode 5

The Chopper

Better Than Doing Porridge




'Doctor Who'

Season 10 (1972)

Season 19 (1982)

Season 20 (1983)

Special Episode (1983)

The Three Doctors


Mawdryn Undead

The Five Doctors


(Archive Footage)


Season 21 (1984)

Season 22 (1985)

Resurrection of the Daleks

The Two Doctors

(Archive Footage)

The Doctor

The Doctor Illusion


'Whoops Baghdad'

'Jennie'     'Lady Randolph Churchill'   

'The Sweeney'

Season 1 (1972)

Season 1 (1973)

Season 1 (1974)

Season 2 (1975)

The Traitor

Ali and the Thieves


Hit and Run




Reg Crofts

'Play for Today'

'Treasure Island'

Season 6 (1976)

Season 1 (1977)

Love Letters on Blue Paper

Episode 1



'Edward & Mrs Simpson'          Season 1                   (1978)         

The Decision


The Abdication

Clement Attlee

'All Creatures Great and Small'

Season 3 (1980)

Hair of the Dog


'The Box of Delights'    Season 1          (1984)     

3 Episodes

Cole Hawlings

Faked Voice of Cole Hawlings

'Blue Peter'

'Summer Season'

Season 28 (1984)

Season 1 (1985)

Episode 28.21

Long Term Memory




Images by Gerald Lovell

Images by Scott Palmer



R.U.R - Rossum's Universal Robots

The Case of the Frightened Lady


The Black Knight

Cardboard Cavalier

The Viking Queen

Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell

The Black Torment

A Hitch in Time

'Robin Hood'


'The Count of Monte Cristo'

'The New Adventures of Charlie Chan'

'William Tell'

'Sword of Freedom'

'Paul of Tarsus'

'The Splendid Spur'

'The Old Curiosity Shop'

'BBC Sunday-Night Play'



'Dr Finlay's Casebook'

'Z Cars'

'A Tale of Two Cities'

'Little Women'

'Out of the Unknown'

'Whoops Baghdad'

'Sherlock Holmes - The Devil's Foot'

'Adam Adamant Lives!'

'This Man Craig'

'Play for Today'

'Doctor Who'

'Treasure Island'

'Softly Softly: Task Force'

'The Box of Delights'

'Blue Peter'

'Jennie - Lady Randolph Churchill'

'Summer Season'

'Edward & Mrs Simpson'